Thursday, July 5, 2007

weee new blog~

Well, new environment, new life, new blog, that's the way I wanna do things~ Either that, or I'm most probably trying to avoid some bloody emo faggoty maggot that is harassing me and reading my blog.

Apparently, that no life maggoty emo freak decides to google and try to pry his eyes into my freaking private life, how gay is that? (that was a rhetorical question)

Anyways, let me sum up the past events which has marked an important milestone in our lives:


Woohoo, exams AFTER your holidays, how cool is that? It's like our principals are enforcing the principle of:

we're nice because we give you a WHOLE VACATION to mug, no no, not recharge batteries, to mug you lazy maggots! And now time to give you guys extra tough papers so you can cry and whine over your failures! Hopefully, the weak ones will go commit suicide while the more sensible ones will learn to STUDY and not slack and hopefully NOT GET RETAINED after the promos! ;)

Well, I phailed chemistry (no suprise there) along with 18 other good buddies in my class, and i phailed my GP paper 2 too! (The passage was about being gay, no, literally, it's money and happiness) Since it's GP, we're supposed to comply a ridiculous task of paraphrasing the most simpleton words like happiness, prices, money, etc etc. Wai Chung is downright genius at that, he paraphrased happiness with gay, so a normal question and answer goes:

Q: What is the link between money and happiness that is proposed by the author?
A: It is that more money brings about more gayness.


IVLE learning day:

e-learning? More like e-lagging, we have approx 800++ students logging on to IVLE at once, subtracting the muggers chiongers etc etc, we're left with 790++ students logging on at IVLE at once on wed (well, cuz we didn't chiong on tues) The result? A laggy server which crashes at every 5 minutes of loading. So point, laugh, scorn, at the half assed failed attempt of MJC educators in inducing E-LEARNING (pause and give a wow please) act what high tech? don't even have the sufficient resources to do so then don't la, snobs =_=

Emo fags:
Well, emo shit here has given me enough blood pressure, i definitely need a medium to express my frustrations and all, the blog =) I can't use the old one because that emo fag told me he saw my blog and will stop harassing me (for 1 second) But apparently, he's fucking annoying and is still at it! So, in order to gain my attention (omfg, this sounds so damn wrong, but screw it, it makes HIM look bad) he fabricated some stories like:

My dad lost his job and i'm damn stressed =(((((((
Oh oh uni, i got into a car accident today and i have chinese oral! My eyes hurt damn a lot now!! Accompany me see a doctor =((( i don't dare ask my friends cuz they'll laugh at meee =(((

Eh please? I'm not stupid, get a fucking life and bother someone else, if your dad really got out of job, you wouldn't spam smses to harass me, you wldn't go out have fun and watch movie, you wouldn't have 2k++ to go for some cambridge exchange trips, hell, you wouldn't even GET A DAMN BLOODY CAB. And oh, one more thing, your friends won't laugh at you because we don't have such jerks in school, they'll probably spat in disgust because you're simply SEEKING ATTENTION, pffft, emo fag.

Well, if somehow by some faggoty ridiculous way of how fate works, it IS true, well, i'm a real jerk isn't it? Nope, I don't care..know why? Cuz you don't deserve my sympathy (yeap, i'm the baddie now, throw eggs at me!) There's a fine line between being a jerk and giving just desserts, if you think i'm a jerk, go ahead, stop bothering the jerk please, he's just giving your desserts =)