Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just another day of ramblings

Well, I'm an embittered cynic that'll make your average emo kids look like docile cuddly rainbow care bears that frolics all day in their sunbeams and evergreen glades. The newspaper in Singapore really has nothing better to write on. What do you expect anyway, 4million strong population of docile sheep, harsh penal system, negligible opposition, well, there's nothing to write about ANYWAY.

So today's news start off with the corruption at Ren Ci hospital, about how the rich, successful RJCian turned anti-gravity neo monk cum benevolent philanthropist shit screwed up his PoA and landed himself with 10 charges of failure to document certain things. Same shit with Durai, just that he's less screwed because he doesn't spend lavishly nor draw million dollar salaries that will turn any average joe into a bitter prick, secretly hoping that the rich fuck gets the gallows out of pure jealous.

It is only when shit like that appears ever so frequently in the news, that one starts thinking about the media: are they trying to kill the charitable spirit that dwells in Singaporeans? Sure we love a bit of transparency here and there, but isn't blowing the issue and staining the reputation of reputable charity heads a tad dirty and uncalled for even though it might draw the attention of more readers? Do you seriously need to spill some unnecessary facts like how MING YI'S ASSISTANT has uncensored and uncertified pornographic materials in his house? What has THAT got to do with the false documentation of accounts?

Well, if people are feeling hell uncomfortable with charitable organizations (such as NKF in the past) drawing million dollar salaries from money WILLINGLY DONATED BY THE PEOPLE, shouldn't we feel even MORE uncomfortable that our OWN GOVERNMENT is doing the SAME SHIT from money LEGISLATIVELY TAXED (an if-fish word) from the people too? While we're at it, lets have the same transparency shit too yeah? Don't know about the government, but i'm pretty damn sure that if they were to hit on some random company, they'd definitely be some "mis-documentation of funds" shit somewhere along the really long records of checks and shit.

Oh wait, we DO feel hell uncomfortable about our government's salary, but they do it anyway. It's to attract THE BEST to rule over us with an iron fist but with a heart of gold yeah -wink-


Lets end the current affairs and move on to my favourite issues, mainly how shitty some irritating american brats can get.

Seriously, I think Al Qaeda can save LOADS to switch from making propaganda recruitment films to this. They don't even needa worry about CENSORSHIT RIGHTS(yes, censorshit) because they're terrorists -rollseyes-

Jonathan posted this crap to me today, was rather entertaining, but finding it entertaining is one of the major human flaws which the media predates on to gain viewership. Just for the views, for the money, they'd do ANYTHING (maybe not snuff films or anything illegal) You name it, America's got it. They're MASTERS of exploitation and manipulation i tell you. Just watch "To catch a predator" or "my out of controlled teen" or sth, classic examples. (predator's actually british, but mehh)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Post mortem

Okay, back from a really short break of a few days where our beloved dick of a principal declared friday (4th july) as "we don't give a shit about your welfare so come back to school" day. That didn't stop waichung from ponning anyway. So basically we were distributed our timetables, given shitty announcements, and basically did some post mortem.

First off the bat, Physics paper 1, then Paper 3, glad to see the word "Confi-fucked" being used over and over again. Scores were atrocious beyond any of my projected demise, but yeah, shit happens, move on.

GP's next, paper 2 that is (on tuesday), the projection is yet again, inaccurate and I felt like I got kicked in the nuts when i got my results. Having screwed up my paper 1 with diarrhea, I was banking on paper 2 only to be screwed by it (likewise to majority of the cohort) Jiong and jo weren't really happy with the marking scheme whilst lamenting on the fact that GP's their forte, but hey, I'm feeling zen now, I feel nothing (pretty much)

Right let's see, besides the fact that the chong bastard gave his other class (emo fag's class) a head's up, dropping by specially to inform them of the next assault of "timed trial on wednesday" while my class is still blissfully unaware of the crushing despair that awaits them (well, for some of us) So tuesday arrives and the chem department unfolds their plan to crush the legions of unaware chem classes (well, those who were uninformed for that matter) This is probably what happened during chem lecture since i was operating at 10% consciousness:

Some chem lecturer: Hi ppl, i'm sure you totally didn't expect this, so we're looking for the perfect chance to hit you unaware, you guys have a TIMED TRIAL TOMORROW =D Enjoy and get fucked! We have HIGH EXPECTATIONS (by that meaning high percentages of U) Don't disappoint us~!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I call this day a fuggy muggy day

Disclaimer: all opinions and subjects written below are highly stereotypical yet common found characters who MAY or MAY NOT exist. IF you by any chance find it offensive to you (proving that you're one of those scumbags mentioned), you are infected by what I find a deadly disease known as "Jerkivitis". As a precautionary measure to prevent the massive infestation of your cursed sickness to humanity, please sterilize yourself at the nearest clinic and do the world a favour by not passing down your genes. Then again, if you really ARE infected, you wouldn't do so because you're simply a dike.

Ah yes, I'm back, wootx, ever wonder why I blog again (then again, i am talking to myself after all), because i need to keep an active MIND i say, i need to start writing really long paragraphs with words from the dictionary that doesn't really make much sense but will get me more marks because that's how examination works! Hence, to prep my GP, i gotta start blogging (with fanciful words of course, then again, fanciful IS subjective)

Woke up early today (9am) considering i slept at 2, became unconscious at probably 3+ (blame it on coffee, for according to the priest, you should hate the sin, not the sinner) And the reason for so is not because of that alarm I set on my hand phone which plays the eerie, scary-spooky castle symphony, but because of the similarly god-awful music from my message ring tone thanks to my God-sis who's spamming me just so I will wake up and not be late for our scheduled study date (because I, for one is not able to study with much comfort at home due to the congested, overcrowded status of my room which will put ANY, i repeat, ANY Favelas (the term for slums in Brazil)to shame when it comes to being full of shit. Then again, having a messy room full of shitty tutorials with no true, model answer is nothing to be proud of, but I'd like to say, for once, my room REALLY looks like the room of a JC student (wootx).

Hence, the mugging at library@esplanade, a fine piece of ingenious architecture splendidly located by the waters (murky) of marina bay. The mere sight of on-going development projects(fuck ugly construction) casts a false illusion that the government is actually doing sth with our money (biased anarchist thought) instead of investing it on themselves. Then again, the supposed peaceful sanctuary for students , who are not willing to sacrifice sleep to queue up at the studylounge@nlb (by which means get there by 9 or get out after 9 seconds) is a mere illusion (like your false advertisements) because of

1) Cheapskate bastards of parents, who are penny wise-pound foolish, refusing to get a 2nd hand piano and having their children practise their piss-easy God awful pieces on a frequently tuned Yamaha piano at $6.10 per hour (sound proof walls of the piano room phails) And oh, I forgot to mention that they are always fat.

2) Arrogant pricks (or dicks) wanting to show off their fanciful finger work at the piano in an attempt to win 10 second admiration from total strangers who don't really give a shit, and being dicks, they tend to walk out the room with that smug look on their faces, expecting someone to rush up to them and ask for a fucking autograph.

3) Poorly educated individuals with ridiculously poor hygiene habits and fluency in English, who somehow owns a handphone (justifying why kindergarten kids CAN own handphones if jerks like these do), actually HAVE people to talk to, irresponsibly disregarding people around them who are trying to study/read/etc, and rambling incomprehensible abomination of a language on their cells, acting as if they were big shots, and get shushed by the librarian who eventually reminds them that they are just plain annoying and is tainting the sanctity of our library.

4) First year uni-grad know it alls who think they are so great after being admitted to a local uni, starts giving their half-assed unfounded theories on how the government is corrupt and stealing our money, that they're not doing a good job because you can do better, and that most singaporeans are docile sheeps merely heeding the directions of their corrupted leader unlike them who are bad-assed, tree hugging flag burning rebels like Che Guevara (on the rebel part) just because they wear a shirt with his picture on it.(I love my country and the PAP, sue me, whoops, you can't, just look at Dr. Chee)

Basically the above 4 spoiled my day AND my conducive environment, only allowing me to complete the entire vectors chapter (without much practise). Then again, I'm being a total asshole for pushing the blame to those imbeciles for my low productivity, but he, it's a blog, it's a media, it's biased to me since i'm the fucking author, i have no need to give a balanced view .

On a side note, my darling godsister makes delicious chocolate cookies (too bad they're not freshly baked) and vectors suck so much that it implodes, creating a blackhole which is impossible to escape (unless you're traveling at beyond light speed, which is, again technically impossible), pulling all the students who are bad at math into oblivion of U(s).

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Simple reasons why being young is no longer as magical

It's been EONS since i last blogged (again), meh, who cares, nobody reads this shit anyway, it's just another medium for one to vent one's frustration (unless you're a victim of a political struggle and you recently just returned from the states where you land your ass in jail after blatantly challenging the lord of Singapore) and you can look back upon it after a really long time and reflect on what a meaningless life you have where majority of your blog post consists of constant bitching about how life is unfair, how unreasonable your parents/lecturers/tutors are, and how much food and oil prices have gone up to the extent that you can no longer throw cream pies at one another during birthday celebrations.

Before long, your body would descend into a greater extent of physical decay and as you venture further into adulthood, you awake from your naive joie de vivre after plummeting into a deep dark abyss of never ending injustice, atrocities and apathy that fills this very world we live in.

Well, after digressing for a bit, i shall proceed on to my senseless blog post which shall fall under the category "Bitching about school life just like every prick in our (holistic) education system" Yes, the mid term exams. As you can see (or me in the future for that matter), it is 16th of June at 12 in the morning and the sands of time are falling grain by grain, awaiting that very last grain of sand which will signify the end of your holiday (or mug-liday as quoted from Xinyi) and mark the start of a brand new Holocaust: Examinations. Yes, I prefer the term Holocaust because it discriminates against a certain race (called the under-performers), executing a genocide upon any ounce of morale, dignity or self esteem left in their delicate and joy-less lives, and generally enslaving them in concentration-camp like compounds (such as container classrooms) and shackling their freedom with never ending tutorials and remedials.

Not even children are spared from this atrocity and crime against humanity as children even at the tender age of 6 are pushed into such similar camps (called tuition centers) where children are repeatedly taught the same crap where they are to regurgitate out in a written exam where failure could possibly mark death (look at suicide rates and depression) or a permanent record (of Fs). An article from The Straits Times shows 6 (or w/e age she is) year old Victoria where her slave driver of a mother has a 10 hour list of "how to turn your child into a bitch of the system" for weekdays, and a "own time-own target" for the weekends for her HOLIDAY (I think the MoE or MoM should redefine Holiday into More-Shit-day for students) Parents (loving their children ever so tenderly) want the best for their kids, parents, DON'T want their kids to be dishwashers or sanitary engineers for that matter, because they believe that path leads to unhappiness. But by sacrificing the childhood of their child, can they ever realize what happiness truly is? Childhood is supposed to be a period where us humans are immune, unaffected by the shit that goes around in this world so that when we grow up, we can look back and appreciate "Oh~all that happiness as a child~ah~children are so carefree~" This blissful unawareness is what makes childhood such a relivable, desirable memory and some parents nowadays just don't realize that.

For the love of cookies, that doesn't mean I'm for the scrapping of every single form of education, I'm against the overkill of the use of tuition as tools to mold your kids into dragons, they are afterall, just KIDS. Yes you can have your tuition (I myself find such a means useful for people who are too shy to ask questions), but don't cram every conscious moment of your kid-life with TUITION. What the FUCK can ballet do (if your child hates it)? You're in Singapore, there is no swan lake and shit, only macritchie reservoir. Kindergarten/Pre school math? If you need tuition for that then you're better off amputating one of your limbs and go sell tissues at hawker centers. Yeah, they can go "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR MY CHILD" but can they really say they do?

In short, it sucks to be a kid these days, period.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Onwards another post of randomness!

Okay, since some of you have been asking why I haven't been blogging, there're things that can only be explained through the greatness of simple ECONOMICS!


Yes, opportunity costs. You have 24 hours a day, within that 24 hours, i must eat, sleep, play, study, etc. Being in JC, obviously the study part hath exponentially increased and being in MJ, that'll be like, another boost to that bloody curve.

Hence, that leaves little time for such a prancy trivial activity which only a trace amount of people read called BLOGGING! As if my life in JC ain't bad enough and tiring enough, you expect me to rant out my entire day of suffering just so you can sit back and laugh my misery like hitler at jews?! That's as good as reliving a nightmare!

PS: The above meant no offence(and is meant to be depicted as what i call light humour) whatsoever, in any case that you do, you're either

a) Extremely stupid
b) Extremely sensitive
c) Extremely insecure of your own identity
d) You want to kill me anyway

Right, so anyways, studied at singpost today with yingling, lixuan, hiuching and yichang. Basically the usual gang minus yichang. Speaking of which, he looks like a total beng with his untrimmed long hair and signs of facial inflammation of a typical one. I almost couldn't recognize him from about 5m away.

First reaction when yingling pointed him out to me:

where? o_o
where o_o
wha o_o


After the shock and awe factor aside, I'm relieved to say he's still the same old nice push-over nice guy inside (phew). We then proceeded to study and realized that there's economic inefficiency caused by externalities incurred by consumption. (yes, i love quoting from economics these days because it makes me suan ppl at a professional's view point) Apparently, some VCD shops are really desperate for customers that they've lost all rationale in appealing to the consumers.

What they did?

They blasted CNY song remixes cum mods of current pop songs. Basically, music diarrhoea, urgent and random discharge of the bad music from the asses in music industry. Displeasing to the ears, a source of constant annoyance that deters people from entering the shop let alone purchase anything from it. What's more, there're only like 4 tracks and we're forced to listen to it for 7 hours straight. I'd be teetering towards the brink of insanity if not for the glorious invention of MP4 players. I swear, everytime i hear the track change, i'd go



"BURN HIS WHOLE HOUSE! BEAT HIS MOTHER! Click bottom to get joke

Oh, on an interesting note, i saw the sing-post-phantom (like who didn't >_>) again. It's basically a distraughted female auntie that wears purple, walks into macdonalds and buys a 1 dollar sprite, then proceed to haunt the crowded corridors of singpost. On average she buys 4 cups of sprite. That was last year, but i haven't saw her buy any sprite or wear anything purple because SHE'S WEARING BLUE AND SHE'S NOT DRINKING SPRITE =O

Hence, i can give two conclusions:

Drinking sprite allows one's clothes to turn blue


Drinking sprite and wander aimlessly around singpost gives one the ability to change the colour of your clothes! =O

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Trip to Shanghai~

well, i've been away to shanghai from 8th~17th december in case any of you wondered what happened to that guy who always comes online 24/7 without fail and without rest like some bangla worker exploited by chinese slave drivers. Right.

Technically, i wasn't in Shanghai all the time, here's a rough outline of my trip:

Shanghai -> Su Zhou-> Hang Zhou -> Wu Xi-> Nanjing -> Shanghai -> Singapore

Let me sum PRCs up with 3 S-es.

Shit (without flushing)

Oh, and an additional one, SCAMMERS!

If i were to throw a rock from my hotel in Sofitel (shanghai) down at nanjing road) I'd hit a guy that does all of the above. The chances will be as high as the chances of chi tao screwing up when asked a question by ms gill.

Let's see, the entire trip was pretty much hectic as we had to wake up at about 6plus everyday to get to our destinations on time. It's pretty much as fked up as Saddam when he invaded kuwait as we're constantly on the the run after staying in our hotels for a night. As the great pilot Sammy once asked," Dude, you on the run or on a holiday?" I thereby sum my china trip in one word.


Oh and let me get to the 3 (or 4) S-es.

Smoke- Those PRCs smoke their bloody cigarettes everywhere infecting our healthy lungs with their poisonous fumes of harmful tobacco and tar which results in their eventual end of their short-lived lives.

Spit- Those PRCs spit everywhere that i can play "Count the spit on the floor" with my sister

Shit- Well, as well known as Mao Ze Dong's face on tian an men square, China is known for perfectly disgusting toilets that will put a the meaning of "Fear of God" to every hypochondriac. The toilet have no doors OR have doors that doesn't work, there's shit clogged up the bowls, and yes, the classic, pee on the floor as they can't aim their 2 inched dicks 4 feet down the toilet bowl.

Oh and lets not forget what the chinese are known for, scheming bastards. Going for a tour in China is absolutely not for leisure and relax, but for them to give us a chance to scam us and smoke us about

"OOOO~ CHINESE MEDICINE! CURES ALL ILLNESS AND CANCER! VERY VERY GOOO~(insert honky accent)" Basically, half our time in china is spent in "tourist destinations" that require us to buy some shit produce in China which is obviously daylight robbery.

The Chinese, obviously brilliant, displayed the full prowess of this chinese proverb

"Fang chang xian, diao da yu" (release a long line to hook big fish) which translates from german, "We scam or you scram"

They give you a lecture, like some conman with magic stones down at some HDB, show you what MAGICAL-IMMORTAL-FENG-SHUI-LIKE heavenly herbs/teapot/pearls grown/made/reared on the realms of heavens and dragon shit, give you a free sample, french kiss your ass or smack your horse's ass with a solar sail, throw in a buddha or two and brew for 7-7-49 days, and before you can say "SHIT I GOT SCAMMED", you're already walking out with a merchandize or two costing approximately 10 times of what it cost them to make while they wave, smiling happily at you whilst holding back their laughs and thoughts such as "sucker".

Well, thankfully, neither my parents or most of the tour-mates were dumb enough to fall for such fallacies and we proceded with minimal purchases except for one family which practically bought sth from every shop they visited. My thoughts were they were either bigspenders, bigoted suckers or plainly gullible.

My dad got along with another dude with a business partner of that family (they were both hainanese), and being hainanese, they were gossiping and all and when they ran outta stuff to talk about, they talk about that family.

Guy,"Aye aye, know sth funny? You see that fang xian sheng spend quite a lot on the trip, but you know what he drive? Nissan SUNNEH!! WAHAHAHA!"

In case most of you don't get the joke, call 96386450 for enlightenment.

But besides all those, the scenic tour in su zhou and hang zhou is pretty cool. Maoler once told me (which was repeated about 7-7-49 times by the tourguide)

Tian you tian tang, di you su-hang (Sky's got heaven, Earth's got suzhou and hangzhou)

It was beautiful. Probably the most beautiful scenary I've ever laid my eyes upon. The boat rides on the lakes were breathtaking (not because it was a bloody cold day with fog), but because of the land forms and picturesque (did i spell that right?) views that looked like it came off a google-image page.

Now unto food. I can only think of a few words to describe it


Why? Cuz it's TOUR-FOOD. Restaurants that take in tours can NEVER be good. It is only after the tour and we were freed-and easy that we got to experience GENUINE chinese cuisine and wooo-mama, it was EX-CE-LLENT. Peking roast duck, 8 treasures meat, dong puo rou, chinese barbequed pork, hong shao pai ku, etc. Better than any shit you've tasted in Singapore, now THAT's living. If you wanna eat and enjoy yourself, go to china, free and easy not with tours but with yourself. That last 2 days in shanghai is probably well worthed the entire misery i've been put through.


Fun facts about China:

Tour guides: Tourists are a good source of money. Drain them of every drop because we deserve every cent we scam. According to Buddha, having money gives you woes, so by relieving you of your cash, we're doing a good deed! It's called Karma, bitch.

Beggars: They belong to an organization known as Gai Bang (Beggar Sect) Yes, it exists and the more you beg and get, the higher your seniority which is indicated by how pathetic you look or how bad you smell.

PRC women: Don't call them xiao jie les you wish to have your ass kicked and chased by an angry mob with pitch forks and fire torches. Call them Gu niang (maybe guniang)

Language: You can shout "YOU CINA SMOKING BASTARDS! GET OUT OF MY ELITIST FACE" and get away with it.

Prices: Things cost 25% of what is indicated on the price tag.

Fengshui: Just a scam to sell cheap wooden boards to the west

KungFu: Not everyone knows

Toilets: As clean as your rectum

Censorship: Wikipedia un-friendly, the great FIRE-wall of china.

Paypal: G-Buy (say it out loud and you'll get the joke)

Originality: Uniquely Imitating

Thursday, July 5, 2007

weee new blog~

Well, new environment, new life, new blog, that's the way I wanna do things~ Either that, or I'm most probably trying to avoid some bloody emo faggoty maggot that is harassing me and reading my blog.

Apparently, that no life maggoty emo freak decides to google and try to pry his eyes into my freaking private life, how gay is that? (that was a rhetorical question)

Anyways, let me sum up the past events which has marked an important milestone in our lives:


Woohoo, exams AFTER your holidays, how cool is that? It's like our principals are enforcing the principle of:

we're nice because we give you a WHOLE VACATION to mug, no no, not recharge batteries, to mug you lazy maggots! And now time to give you guys extra tough papers so you can cry and whine over your failures! Hopefully, the weak ones will go commit suicide while the more sensible ones will learn to STUDY and not slack and hopefully NOT GET RETAINED after the promos! ;)

Well, I phailed chemistry (no suprise there) along with 18 other good buddies in my class, and i phailed my GP paper 2 too! (The passage was about being gay, no, literally, it's money and happiness) Since it's GP, we're supposed to comply a ridiculous task of paraphrasing the most simpleton words like happiness, prices, money, etc etc. Wai Chung is downright genius at that, he paraphrased happiness with gay, so a normal question and answer goes:

Q: What is the link between money and happiness that is proposed by the author?
A: It is that more money brings about more gayness.


IVLE learning day:

e-learning? More like e-lagging, we have approx 800++ students logging on to IVLE at once, subtracting the muggers chiongers etc etc, we're left with 790++ students logging on at IVLE at once on wed (well, cuz we didn't chiong on tues) The result? A laggy server which crashes at every 5 minutes of loading. So point, laugh, scorn, at the half assed failed attempt of MJC educators in inducing E-LEARNING (pause and give a wow please) act what high tech? don't even have the sufficient resources to do so then don't la, snobs =_=

Emo fags:
Well, emo shit here has given me enough blood pressure, i definitely need a medium to express my frustrations and all, the blog =) I can't use the old one because that emo fag told me he saw my blog and will stop harassing me (for 1 second) But apparently, he's fucking annoying and is still at it! So, in order to gain my attention (omfg, this sounds so damn wrong, but screw it, it makes HIM look bad) he fabricated some stories like:

My dad lost his job and i'm damn stressed =(((((((
Oh oh uni, i got into a car accident today and i have chinese oral! My eyes hurt damn a lot now!! Accompany me see a doctor =((( i don't dare ask my friends cuz they'll laugh at meee =(((

Eh please? I'm not stupid, get a fucking life and bother someone else, if your dad really got out of job, you wouldn't spam smses to harass me, you wldn't go out have fun and watch movie, you wouldn't have 2k++ to go for some cambridge exchange trips, hell, you wouldn't even GET A DAMN BLOODY CAB. And oh, one more thing, your friends won't laugh at you because we don't have such jerks in school, they'll probably spat in disgust because you're simply SEEKING ATTENTION, pffft, emo fag.

Well, if somehow by some faggoty ridiculous way of how fate works, it IS true, well, i'm a real jerk isn't it? Nope, I don't care..know why? Cuz you don't deserve my sympathy (yeap, i'm the baddie now, throw eggs at me!) There's a fine line between being a jerk and giving just desserts, if you think i'm a jerk, go ahead, stop bothering the jerk please, he's just giving your desserts =)