Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just another day of ramblings

Well, I'm an embittered cynic that'll make your average emo kids look like docile cuddly rainbow care bears that frolics all day in their sunbeams and evergreen glades. The newspaper in Singapore really has nothing better to write on. What do you expect anyway, 4million strong population of docile sheep, harsh penal system, negligible opposition, well, there's nothing to write about ANYWAY.

So today's news start off with the corruption at Ren Ci hospital, about how the rich, successful RJCian turned anti-gravity neo monk cum benevolent philanthropist shit screwed up his PoA and landed himself with 10 charges of failure to document certain things. Same shit with Durai, just that he's less screwed because he doesn't spend lavishly nor draw million dollar salaries that will turn any average joe into a bitter prick, secretly hoping that the rich fuck gets the gallows out of pure jealous.

It is only when shit like that appears ever so frequently in the news, that one starts thinking about the media: are they trying to kill the charitable spirit that dwells in Singaporeans? Sure we love a bit of transparency here and there, but isn't blowing the issue and staining the reputation of reputable charity heads a tad dirty and uncalled for even though it might draw the attention of more readers? Do you seriously need to spill some unnecessary facts like how MING YI'S ASSISTANT has uncensored and uncertified pornographic materials in his house? What has THAT got to do with the false documentation of accounts?

Well, if people are feeling hell uncomfortable with charitable organizations (such as NKF in the past) drawing million dollar salaries from money WILLINGLY DONATED BY THE PEOPLE, shouldn't we feel even MORE uncomfortable that our OWN GOVERNMENT is doing the SAME SHIT from money LEGISLATIVELY TAXED (an if-fish word) from the people too? While we're at it, lets have the same transparency shit too yeah? Don't know about the government, but i'm pretty damn sure that if they were to hit on some random company, they'd definitely be some "mis-documentation of funds" shit somewhere along the really long records of checks and shit.

Oh wait, we DO feel hell uncomfortable about our government's salary, but they do it anyway. It's to attract THE BEST to rule over us with an iron fist but with a heart of gold yeah -wink-


Lets end the current affairs and move on to my favourite issues, mainly how shitty some irritating american brats can get.

Seriously, I think Al Qaeda can save LOADS to switch from making propaganda recruitment films to this. They don't even needa worry about CENSORSHIT RIGHTS(yes, censorshit) because they're terrorists -rollseyes-

Jonathan posted this crap to me today, was rather entertaining, but finding it entertaining is one of the major human flaws which the media predates on to gain viewership. Just for the views, for the money, they'd do ANYTHING (maybe not snuff films or anything illegal) You name it, America's got it. They're MASTERS of exploitation and manipulation i tell you. Just watch "To catch a predator" or "my out of controlled teen" or sth, classic examples. (predator's actually british, but mehh)

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